FIG Congress 2018 is an exciting week-long conference that brings the international community of surveying and spatial professionals together.
Scientists, experts, policy- and decision-makers, students, and stakeholders are invited to join the discussions on issues affecting the international surveying and spatial community today and in the future.
Spatial enablement requires information to be collected, updated, analyzed, represented, and communicated, together with information on land ownership and custodianship, in a consistent manner to underpin good governance of land and its natural resources, whole-of-government efficiency, public safety and security towards the wellbeing of societies, the environment and economy. A society can be regarded as spatially enabled when location and spatial information are commonly available to citizens and businesses to encourage creativity and product development. Societies and their governments need to become spatially enabled in order to have the right tools and information at hand to take the right decisions.
In order to realize these objectives, FIG Council collaborates with International Organizations, collaborates at Regional and local levels (visits-events with our members) and collaborates with Commissions, Task Forces and Networks. We do all this work to increase the value of geospatial data for all people. And in order to able to increase the value of geospatial data we have to provide more benefit, more safety, more environmental quality, more growth, more fairness, more education, more gender equality, and more efficiency in governance of urban and rural areas.