Intrax Bank Protection Works – Joseph Street, Rydalmere


Recently, Intrax investigated and designed a remediation solution for previous bank instability. The location was on the banks of Ponds and Subiaco Creek, and had been deemed unstable following flood events. Upon our engagement, Intrax completed a geotechnical investigation and survey of the site to accurately inform remediation design.


Intrax’s position as industry leading professionals in geotechnical forensics sees us as best able to help in instances of remediation. This location has shown itself to be prone to instability due to flooding. Therefore, it was important to the parties involved that the investigation be thorough and informative. Our landslide risk assessment and slope stabilisation assessment processes have proved to be effective across a host of scenarios, with this instance no different.  


The primary aim of this assessment was to investigate and design a remediation solution for previous bank instability. This had previously occurred on the banks of Ponds and Subiaco Creek following flood events. Doing so was intended to allow the city of parramatta and the RMA Group to protect the areas proven to be of highest risk. 

Works Undertaken:

The geotechnical team proceeded to conduct a landslide risk assessment and slope stabilisation assessment of the embankment. They forensically investigated the causes of previous instability and the impact on the existing concrete wall located on the crest of the bank. On the basis of this work, Intrax were able to present a prioritised design solution. This allowed the City of Parramatta and RMA Group to engage in action to protect the areas at highest risk. The RMA Group completed the works, with protection of the uncontrolled fill bank ensuring stability of the embankment. This will significantly reduce the sediment erosion of the banks into Ponds and Subiaco Creek.  


The challenges of this process were not too dissimilar to those presented in many other instances of land instability assessment. Namely the presence of water, debris and waste, as well as uneven ground are all elements that can make accurate measurements slightly more difficult to attain. In spite of these challenges, our experienced team of geotechnical experts have encountered such conditions regularly and were therefore more than equipped to handle the circumstances.   


Following our assessment of the area, Intrax presented a solution to the City of Parramatta and the RMA Group. This allowed for the two parties to implement preventative measures, ensuring the stability of the embankment and protection from soil erosion. 


On the whole, our expertise enabled a swift and comprehensive solution to be reached. This allowed the RMA Group to act swiftly in installing both temporary and permanent solutions that were suggested by Intrax. In short, our geotechnical team were able to arrive at a conclusion that benefits not only the two parties directly involved in the implementation of the changes; But also the community members that are now more safe as a result. 


To put this case study into further context, Intrax’s geotechnical team are well versed in remedying situations similar to this one. By virtue of this, our capability in providing both the Parramatta city council and the RMA group with a timely and effective solution is representative of how adaptive our processes are. Furthermore, the team’s ability to reach an ideal conclusion is indicative of learning over time through the requisition of our services in a host of different scenarios. Our geotechnical team is prepared for anything.  

HQ Melbourne CBD

Level 4, 469 La Trobe Street,
Melbourne, VIC 3000

phone: 03 8371 0100

Insight Details


25 July 2024


Case Studies, Education, General