Energy Rating
View all ServicesWe understand sustainability principles, and we use this expertise to turn design intent into actual performance

We provide cost-effective strategies for achieving your sustainability objective, assisting in your construction plans for the most optimum build.
We take an integrated and pioneering approach to deliver more thoughtful and intentional spaces that are efficient with resources, affordable to build and operate and enhance the social outcomes and occupant's wellbeing.

Intrax assessments and energy ratings provide volume builders with accredited 6-star and NCC energy assessments. Our solution is tailored to provide the best advice to achieve a 6 Star energy rating. Trough the Verification Method and Deemed to Satisfy (DTS) we asses from single dwellings to townhouses.

We Offer
- Accredited 6-star rating
- NCC energy assessments
- Verification Method
- Deemed to Satisfy (DTS)
- Detached dwellings
- Townhouses