Intrax Land is proud to announce that it will be providing Surveying Services for the Rodds Bay Solar Farm, alongside renewable energy developer Renew Estate. Rodds Bay Solar Farm will be located neer the township of Bororen, approximately 50km south of Gladstone, Queensland.
As part of this agreement, Intrax will conduct surveying services for the 17km long road mapping project, which will facilitate the upgrade for access to build and service for the Rodds Bay Solar Farm.
“The proposed Rodds Bay Solar Farm is a 300 megawatt (MW) solar farm. A solar farm of this size is expected to produce 625 GWh of renewable energy each year, enough to power approximately 88,000 homes“
Rodds Bay
Intrax Consulting Engineers is proud to be partaking in a project that will enhance the livelihood and sustainability of the community.